
Load Cloudflare Zaraz manaully

Allows you to load Cloudflare Zaraz manually without auto-injection. This will allow you to prerender pages without triggering Zaraz script.


  • zaraz_load

    Loads Zaraz script onto your page. Add this action to On load event on every page then put in the domain/subdomain that is proxied by Cloudflare.

    If your domain is already proxied by Cloudflare, you can put your domain name. If not, you will need to create a separate subdomain, proxied by Cloudflare and use that instead.

    P.S. Make sure to turn off "Auto-inject script" in Zaraz settings to prevent double firing.


  • zaraz_track

    Call zaraz.track() to capture custom events.


    eventNameName of the event (String)
    eventPropertiesProperties to pass along with the event (Object)